Steve posted a question that many of us have on our minds in the Market Research profession (dead link in 2013)
My response:
Steve, I totally agree that “quality” is an issue that needs addressing, however it’s not a simple thing to decide what is quality as it applies to online research.
“Quality” is inherently a subjective “qualitative” assessment on what is largely (though not exclusively) a quantitative discipline.
What do we mean by quality?
Read more: Response to Steve Gittelman’s: “Will we be a profession or a commodity?”
So today was chaos. Meet MM on Albert Street and after a delayed start we got into viewing & dissecting yesterday's video taping. So now I have a DVD (in Mac proprietary format- grrr. Mary?) showing me what I do right & what I do wrong in a variety of simulated situations.
Apparently I can relay visually & to great effect how the prehensile snout of a rhinoceros works. Not sure I can work that into client presentations & conference talks, but who knows :-)
I keep forgetting, living here, how beautiful parts of Ottawa are.
Sometimes you need to do the tourist thing to see this. Yesterday we took Danielle & Grant on the Ottawa River tour where you can see the city from an angle unlike any other. The river is much wider than you'd think (lake-like in spots) and the differences between the east & west shores (Quebec & Ontario sides) are remarkable. (original post)
Yes it saddens me. No it does not shock me.
There are sadly always more takers than givers, this is why the formerly giving person become cynical.
I get the concept of whuffie, I buy into it, but I also realize that MOST people don't.
After four days of extensive and at time intense face-to-face talks with more than 20 people heavily involved in various social media platforms, I have clarified my thinking on how Market Research uses social media, and also how we use the people that participate in research (in general).
I think the current model is broken.
Read more: Musings on the future of Market Research: Time to end the drive-bys