A thoughtful piece by by Julie Blaustein. Similar in theme to the book I'm currently reading by Alain de Botton. The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work.
Being continually immersed in technology and with a full-time "on" switch whether online & offline, is taking it's toll on people and on society.
Read more: Is Our Quality of Life Compromised Due to Technology?
Some of the preliminary findings of the Sept. 2009 Voyageur OMNI study "Social Media Usage & behaviours" section is that there seems to be a huge disconnect between what the "experts" say is happening online, and what the general online Canadian population is actually doing there.
Overt content generation online is being done by a small minority of people.
Well I had a very quick read through the article above.
Misleading title - FRIENDS don’t have an ROI, if you think this, they are not friends :-)
Read more: Evaluating the ROI of Your Online Friends | Marketing ROI or DIE!
Well, I've caught up on emails, and all my wordgames on Facebook, chatted a bit online and did some late night email invites to surveys (yeah work after dinner).
Haven't had time to go over Amanda's updates to the marketing plan (sorry!!) that she's been working on.
I really need to get on this before my Toronto trip in a couple of weeks (now that the garbage strike there is allegedly over I'll go).
Still trying to figure out the most cost effective to launch our new (and brilliant imho) HR employee sat. survey product.
The original can be found here
Disclaimer - I am not a neutral 3rd party to this posting having been involved with the behind the scenes aspects of this for the past 2 years. The
aspects of online persona (how real) & online personal branding are my pet themes.