For the last week or so while I have been planting seeds. Planting awareness about me and what I do by selectively picking people on social networks (specifically Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) that I think can either help me, advise me, or be the social lubricant to get to another level of connection (or the reverse be helped or advised by me).
This is not as callous a thing as it may first seem; I plan to give as well as get. This is the way social networks work.
If there’s one cultural point of interest that is quickly emerging from the online social channels and platforms, it is that you can’t “win friends and influence people” if you all ever do is talk about yourself. “
Point one, the title may be catchy, but its harsh and unfair.
Point two, regarding the content of the post: I’m going to have to both agree & disagree.
Read more: A response to Mitch Joel's "You self-serving Pig".
In case you are too young, read about it here ( BTW I wasn't there I was 14.
I'm at the tail end of the boomer generation, and still trying to wrap my head around how we got from there to here.
That would make a good subject for a book actually, how about "From Yasgur's Farm to Facebook: 40 years of social evolution" (note evolution not revolution)
Read more: 40th Anniversary of Woodstock - Look how we've grownup
It’s been over a year since I took the Grad course at McGill on “Performance Theory”. There was a lot of reading (as a discipline very catholic in its inclusion of everything theoretical) and it took some time to digest this. But after time I think I still have the same key take away from the course.
We as people are defined by what we DO, not what we say or think.
Today's short term outage of Gmail caused me to think about this whole "we give you free infrastructure & worry about how to pay for it later" thing.
(actually more properly the web interface of Gmail broke- the SMTP behind the scenes still worked - but I digress).