White paper: Environmental Assessment of Cloth vs. Disposal Diapers
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the many environmental problems that exist such as global warming, ozone depletion, water and air pollution, excessive resource consumption and hazardous waste to name a few. These issues affect people, societies and ecosystems. Due to this growing awareness and its political importance, governments are trying to reduce this negative impact through various legislative measures. Similarly corporations are seeking to build a “greener” more sustainable image of the way they do business as more people seriously consider more eco-friendly ways of living and there is a greater support for more sustainable development. Finally there are the actions of the individual (who is a consumer) to consider.
The phrase “Think global, act local" (attributed to Scots town planner and social activist Patrick Geddes in 1915) is the best way that people as individuals can help to mitigate the problem. Since humans, in aggregate, are responsible for most of the environmental problems, yet we as individuals are directly responsible only for our own activities, it is important that each person takes responsibility for his or her actions and become aware that the individual (and their family unit) has a significant effect on the natural environment through choices he or she makes.