Americans are reading more ebooks, but print still lives
All those pessimistic about the future of traditional books shouldn't fret just yet. A new Pew study found that Americans have been reading more ebooks, but they haven't completely replaced print books. The percentage of American adults who read ebooks has grown to 28 percent, up from 23 percent at the end of 2012. It's a surprisingly low number, considering another Pew study found that 46 percent of people now own a tablet or e-reader of some kind.
What's even more remarkable is that ebooks seem to be supplementing regular books. About seven in ten adults reported that they read print books and ebooks simultaneously. Only 4 percent of people reported to be "ebook only" readers.
This is a sign that just because people are rushing to buy tablets and e-readers doesn't mean they will switch to reading only on those electronic devices. Print remains the foundation of Americans' reading habits, and the study also showed a win for reading in general. About 76 percent of adults read a book in some format in the last 12 months (take that, cat videos and Internet memes). Americans still love to read — in fact, they've just expanded how they do so to include the best of both the print and digital worlds.
Here is a sample of the findings, free to use in whole or part :
- Dufferin Research : Dufferin Research Canadian Reading Report