

They then watched an 18-minute video that was guaranteed to make them anxious, afraid and depressed.



After watching the depressing video, (across three different studies) people were given either:

  1. 1.Their preferred comfort food.
  2. 2.A neutral food (a granola bar).
  3. 3.No food.

Then their mood was measured.


Here is how the researchers describe their results, which were pretty clear-cut:

Comfort foods led to significant improvements in mood, but no more than other foods or no food.                                                    

Although people believe that comfort foods provide them with mood benefits, comfort foods do not provide comfort beyond that of other foods (or no food).”



The fact that all groups felt better after a time is likely due to the psychological immune system, our natural ability to recover from bad moods.

So, people were giving the credit to the comfort food for something their minds were doing automatically.


The researchers conclude:

“We found no justification for people to choose comfort foods when they are distressed.

Removing an excuse for eating a high-calorie or high-fat food may help people develop and maintain healthier eating habits, and may lead them to focus on other, food-free methods of improving their mood.

You don’t need comfort food to feel better; the mind will do the trick all on its own if you give it time.”



